+91 96066 68597   vidyadansamiti1920@gmail.com

0 years of Excellence

Vidya Dan Samiti is poised to celebrate its centenary celebrations- 2022.
Established in 1920 Vidya Dan Samiti school Completes its 100 years !!! Begun with 3 students and teacher housed in a small residential building then, It has now grown into a cluster of 10 educational institutions with around 80 teachers and more than 2000 students.

About Vidya Dan Samiti

In the pantheon of India’s freedom fighters, many a sanctum is reserved for heroes from North Karnataka who resisted the oppression of the colonial masters, intent on freeing their motherland from the tyranny of imperialism. That this small region of South India made a contribution so disproportionately large to the struggle for Independence owes considerably to the educational institutions that instilled in students a fiery nationalist spirit, creating minds readily receptive to ideas of revolution. The Vidya Dan Samiti (VDS) in Gadag-Betgeri, the centenary of which fortuitously coincided with India celebrating her platinum jubilee as an independent country, was one such institution.

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Centenary Celebration

The Centenary Event will be held on 12th and 13th of November, 2022.
Dear Alumni, Please register to participate in this Event.

Alumni / Event Registration

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Years Of Experience

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Present Students

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Alumni registered


Shri Dheerendrarao B. Huilgol

Education is one of the most powerful part of our life. It allows us to find the meaning behind everything and helps to improve our lives in a massive way. Vidya Dan Samiti which was established at 1920 has been providing quality moral education to the needy across Gadag district and north Karnataka.


Shri Shrinivas B. Huilgol

Irrespective of caste creed and gender, Education makes possible for people to standout as equal with all other persons from different walks of life. Over all education is the platform that makes it possible to defeat all the barriers. Vidya Dan Samiti aspires to build a stronger youth who not only become backbone of their family but also to become torch bearers of the society to contribute in building our nation.


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